After introducing you to the topic, I decided to describe what my work will consist of. Before I start, I want to explain why thermostat needs AI. Have you ever noticed your thermostat at home before? Smart regulation of thermostat can save a few euros a day. After using it for a year, the sum can add up to 1000 euros. Nowadays,
thermostats are developed in complicated ways and using it is often boring and
unappreciated. Imagine now, if you could regulate it through smart communication, telling it what, when and why to do it. There is a scheme below which particularly shows the substance of AI construction.
The process starts with a block called “Speech recognition”. This block represents voice input of the user. Let’s imagine you are a user. You are going out for the evening and say: “Butler (the name of your AI which turns on after calling it), I’m going to the cinema tonight”. After analyzing your speech, which represents the second block, butler (let’s call him Alfred) goes through divarication. If the information he got is enough, he then turns to the third block, which is called “Executing”. It may be turning off the heating at your appartment, therefore saving you money. However you just told him, you were going to the cinema and Alfred concludes it is not enough to make an execution. In this case he turns to the fourth block “Deciding” and tries to ask you for more information about your plans, shows you the benefits you can get if you share it. The process restarts and if you clarify the information,
Alfred makes an execution and if you don’t, Alfred can reach it only by “Predictive controlling” (I will characterize it later).
Impressed? Easier said than done. But I’m persistent enough not to give up just
because I face a little obstacle. I’ve been working with the first block for a few weeks and finally succeded. Process will be based on Python.
Python uses library for performing speech recognition with the Google Speech Recognition API. When it’s downoloaded and placed to the right path, you can use it with no advanced skills in programming. It consists of a simple source code yet and gives satisfactory results.
It is no perfect yet and has a lot of things to do, so I’ll be trying hard to achieve the goal. During this week I’ll be working on the second block and trying to connect them, so you can looking forward for another dose of knowledges. 🙂
See also:
Driverless vehicle caught on camera in San Francisco