Neural Network ZOO
Learning machine learning and deep learning is difficult for newbies. As well as deep learning libraries are difficult to understand (mostly because of too many learning words in these sentences). For more hands-on visuals check this blog post or visit a repository on Github with cheat sheets collected from different Read more…
Research as a non-convex Sisyphean work
Traditional Sisyphus on a convex curve: Sisyphus on a non-convex curve, a.k.a researcher: And the meaning of your effort in Camus-like world 😀 Source: PhD Comics
Čo je to energia?
Energia je to, čo poháňa vaše auto, autobus, alebo električku ráno do práce.Energia je to, za čo platíte veľké účty.Energia je to, čo poháňa vaše telo a umožňuje Vám sa hýbať a premýšlať.Energia je to, čo rozsvecuje žiarovku vo Vašom dome.Energia je to, čo poháňa Váš počítač a obrazovku a Read more…
Ph.D. students face significant mental health challenges
Speaking about work challenges… In a recent study, over 50% of doctoral students reported experiencing at least two symptoms of poor mental health in recent weeks. Approximately one-third of Ph.D. students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder like depression, a recent study reports. Although these Read more…
What people were looking for…
What people were looking for:3000 BC: food.200 AD: glory.800 AD: salvation.1600 AD: freedom.2017 AD: a place to charge your phone. Source: Existential Comics fb
My brain’s map of my working place
When somebody asks me what I saw so far in Leuven and why I didn’t send some pictures. My answer be like : PS: The actual trajectory of my school bus fits pretty much the trajectory depicted in the figure. 😀