Control loops:
• Temperature of the boiler or water heater(T2): this temperature has to be between 60 – 65, the temperature is going to be control by the water heater switch in the control console. If the temperature raise 65, then there are 2 options, either turn off the switch or cooling the boiler with cold water.

• Water pump(W_pump): At the beginning, I set the value for the pump, this might be high or low, dependind the situation, this will need a modification. For example, if I set a low value, then the T1 is not going to increase, but if I set a high value(which is better for the beginning) the T1 is going to increase, also at this point you have to be aware that the ideal temperature for T1 is between 50-55, so if the temperature raise the 55 then value of the pump need to decrease.
Control of the power for the pumps and the boiler

• Temperature Quality (T1): For this control loop, it is really important to be aware of the temperature, as I previously mention, the temperature needed for pasteurization is 50-55, so with the switches in the control console, I need to send it either to diver if the temperature is not enough or is higher, or to normal that is going to be my product.

B&RX20PLCControl of the product and the recirculation of the feed.

As a conclusion, manual control, is first control that I tried, but at the same time is the worst, because you have to be aware of too many things, and to keep the same temperature all the time, so it is going to be difficult for 1 person to handle with this type of control.

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