This intership is going to be about the control of a pasteurization plant that can be used to demonstrate different methods of control such as manual control, single feedback loops and control of the whole process by a computer. The system is a miniature replication of a real pasteurization process.

B&RX20PLCProcess Plant Trainer (PCT23).

In this plant you can find multiple inputs and outputs, the presence of dead time, alarms with corrective actions. The temperature, level, flow and conductivity control loops can be implemented.

A specific characteristic within this process plant is that the plant can not reach the temperature needed for the pasteurization, because there is not enough heat to increase the temperature to the desired one for the product. Consequently the temperatures for the product is going to be between 50°C-55°C (/pasteurization/). Nevertheless, the process plant is in this case going to work as normal pasteurization with water as raw material .

One of the biggest issues about this PCT23 is that the manual control can not be handle by one person, because manual control requires too much changes for having the correct temperatures. That is why the plant needs some controllers. Therefore with the help of a PLC some controllers are going to be implemented. The type of controllers used for this process are the logical control, P control (proportional) and PI control (porportional-integral). The Logical Control is going to be implemented in the entire plant, and the P and PI control is only for the Water Heater and the Water Pump.

The different types of control are going to be coded in the program B&R Automation Studio, with c++, automation basic (B&R), and ladder logic language.

B&RX20PLCPLC used for my project.

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