Have you ever heard about the story of Pygmalion and his statue? No? Nevermind, let’s remind it.
Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who created a perfect woman using ivory. She was so realistic and faultless that he fell in love with her.
Once he asked the godness Aphrodite for a bride who would be “the living likeness of my ivory girl”. When he returned home, he found his “creature” alive. Pygmalion
married the ivory sculpture changed to a woman under Aphrodite’s blessing.
It was one of the very first stories about creating a new form of life, or now known as AI.
In present, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or
software. In other words, it is a form of life, programmed to behave with no human interaction in various situations. Since last century, the most popular usage of it has consisted in computer games. Nowadays, AI is also used in programs developed as an assistant for people, like Siri, Skyvi, etc. I couldn’t not to mention AI in science
fiction. First time I became acquainted with science fictional AI in a movie The Time Machine. There is a holographic librarian called Vox 114 who helps protagonist with its knowledges.
Also AI is presented in a very popular movie called Iron Man. Edwin Jarvis is a loyal butler of Tony Stark, but also an artificial intelligence which assists Iron Man.
All of these minor details have participated on my decision of choosing the topic of my Bachelor’s work. I’ll be trying to create and control my own artificial intelligence within next 3 months. Mainly, I’ll focus on smart self-regulation of thermostat and provide you with my success every week.
Let the journey begin…