The SCARA, which stands for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm, has 4-axis design, it means that robot has parallel-axis joint layout, where the arm is slightly compliant in the X-Y direction but rigid in the Z direction (Bickendorf, 2015). For this reason we call it ‘Selective Compliant…’.

In more depth, one can observe that robot has:

  • 3 rotational axes

  • 1 translational axis

Also, it is necessary to mention that the number of axes has to be at least >= than the required number of degrees of freedom for the desired movement.

The basic applications of SCARA Robots are:

  • high-speed assembly

  • kitting

  • packaging

  • other material-handling

The video illustrates basic application of SCARA robots. See below.

VIDEO LINK: Sausage packaging application

In the end, I would like to share a video, where SCARA Robot is playing Chinese Checkers with rate of ball moving 4 balls per second. 🙂

VIDEO LINK: ‘SCARA Robot playing Chinese Checkers!’

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