Moja letná prax v cementárni Danucem

Toto leto som mal príležitosť absolvovať odbornú prax v cementárni Danucem v Rohožníku, kde som bol pridelený na oddelenie procesov. Moja práca sa zameriavala na riešenie automatizačných výziev v rámci »


Project by Tereza Almášiová: Programming of a neural network on embedded systems

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has significantly transformed various fields, particularly process control. Traditionally reliant on human capabilities, these areas now benefit from technologies »


Project by Erika Zsideková: Home Automation Design

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, home automation has become more accessible than ever before. An increasing number of devices are designed to automate, protect, and monitor homes and offices, »


Project by Radovan Reich: On the Search for an Effective Implementation of Model Predictive Controllers

In this semestral project, we delved into the world of Model Predictive Control (MPC). MPC is used in various applications such as robotics and process control, due to its ability »


Project by Lukáš Chylý: Process Control Supervised by Machine Learning

This project approximated an LQR controller using a neural network trained on LQR-generated data. The neural network, a Feedforward Neural Network with ReLU activation, matched the LQR's performance, demonstrating its potential for control systems. »

Project by Simona Pokorná: Participation in the Development of a Novel Dynamic Process for a Remote Laboratory

We're excited to announce our collaboration with the University of Edinburgh on an innovative project called Remote Laboratories. This initiative promises to revolutionize the way students engage with laboratory experiments »


Project by Ema Radačovská: Development and Optimization of a Neural Network Model for Prediction of Docking Scores of Molecules

In modern medicine and pharmaceutical research, molecular docking plays a key role in the identification of potential drugs. This process allows scientists to simulate interactions between small molecules (ligands) and »


Project by Branislav Daráš: Advanced Model Predictive Control Design For a Smart Greenhouse

In the realm of modern agriculture, ensuring optimal growing conditions is crucial for maximizing yield and quality. This challenge is particularly pronounced in greenhouse environments where factors such as temperature, »


Project by Monika Řežuchová: Identification and control of Flexy

In this semestral project, we identified and controlled a device named Flexy, which represents a simple dynamical single-input single-output (SISO) system. The control input is a fan speed and the »


Project by Viktória Koncserová: Anomaly Detection with Real-Time Tracking of Fault Origin

In today's data-driven world, precise decision-making hinges on accurate data analysis. However, anomalies—unusual data points that differ significantly from the rest of the dataset—can still arise, posing challenges »


Project by Sofiia Serhiienko: Software development for advanced controller design

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a sophisticated technique that optimizes complex processes to achieve optimal performance, taking into account economic, environmental, and energy efficiency factors. To program an MPC controller, »


Modelling of a Forward Osmosis Process

Problem introduction: These days we live an unprecedented era, where gifts we used to take for free from Mother Earth , can run out in the blink of an eye. By »


Prečo praxovať v Dánsku ?

Touto cestou by som rád popísal svoje pocity a dojmy z letnej stáže, ktorú som absolvoval v dánskej spoločnosti Aquaporin A/S so sídlom neďaleko Kodane a rovanko tak aj »


EECI 2023 Summer School

A Fusion of Education and Exploration. Step into the enchanting city of Zurich, where astonishing architecture, efficient transportation, and the presence of top-notch universities combine to create an ideal setting »


Project by Martin Bíreš: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of an Alkylation Unit

A mathematical model has an important use in industry, by simulating it we can see how our process behaves under different operating conditions without having to make a change to »


Project by Vanesa Madleňáková: Predictive Thermal Management of a Battery Storage System

This semestral project reflects the cooperation between our scientific group and intustrial partner.The goal is to design appropriate controller on our side to ensure suitable thermal conditions inside their »


Project by Richard Fodor: Distributed Model Predictive Control Design

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an advanced control technique which can be used in chemical plants. It allows quick decision-making and taking the right actions when faced with changing requirements »


Project by Martina Tomaškovičová: Implementation of Random-shooting-based Approximation of Predictive Control

MPC is method used in automation and system control. MPC assumes the future behavior of the system and use a model of the system to predict its future state. This »


Project by Olivér Mészáros: Neural Network Design for Homomorphic Data Inference

Our main goal was to seek for an approximation of a controller that can be implemented in Homomorphic Encrypted framework to increase the data security. As for the controller we »


Project by Lukáš Lukča: Database System in Laravel

The motivation for my project is to create a database system for various modules. Tables will be created for the modules in one database. We will try to simplify searching »
