My brain’s map of my working place
When somebody asks me what I saw so far in Leuven and why I didn’t send some pictures. My answer be like : PS: The actual trajectory of my school bus fits pretty much the trajectory depicted in the figure. 😀
When somebody asks me what I saw so far in Leuven and why I didn’t send some pictures. My answer be like : PS: The actual trajectory of my school bus fits pretty much the trajectory depicted in the figure. 😀
“Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and also in the management of the projects concerned. The measure shown in this map is researchers in full time equivalents divided by the total annual average employed population.” Eurostat Of course, quantity Read more…
"Imagine it’s 10 years in the future. You are one of the 1 billion people on a new social network called FelelThat. FeelThat uses advanced biological and neurological sensors to allow you to share and receive emotions with anyone in the world. You can literally feel what someone else is Read more…
IBM promises first commercial quantum computers in a few years.It will not outperform conventional computers, at least not yet. But the company says that the system will be crucial in developing a market for future quantum machines that can handle complex calculations currently out of reach of classical computers. The Read more…
When being in the academia feels like: Source: Sketching Science fb
Martin skončil inžiniersky študijný program Automatizácia a informatizácia v chémii a potravinárstve v roku 2010. Výsledky jeho diplomovej práce – sprevádzkovanie VPN, využívame na našom ústave dodnes. Okrem toho Maťo vždy dokázal zabaviť všetkých vo svojom okolí svojím nadhľadom, hereckým talentom a vtipnými príbehmi. Tento týždeň nám porozpával o tom, Read more…
The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as "which came first: the chicken or the egg?". The dilemma stems from the observation that all chickens hatch from eggs and all chicken eggs are laid by chickens. "Chicken-and-egg" is a metaphoric adjective describing situations where it is not Read more…
The answer to the question why academic researchers usually don’t have a romantic relationship. It just does not fit to their thinking spectrum 😀 Source: PhD Comics