Bill Gates: Robots should pay taxes
Robots are taking human jobs. But Bill Gates believes that governments should tax companies use of them, as a way to at least temporarily slow the spread of automation and to fund other types of employment.It’s a striking position from Read more…
Čo hovoria absolventi IAM #10
Karol úspešne absolvoval náš inžiniersky študijný program Automatizácia a informatizácia v chémii a potravinárstve v roku 2014. Hneď po promóciách začal pracovať v Slovnafte a naďalej s ÚIAM spolupracuje ako konzultant diplomovej práce. Tento týždeň nám porozprával o tom, ako Read more…
Close Encounters of the Second Kind with Science
In so-called “Ufology“ Close Encounters of the Second Kind is an UFO event in which a physical effect is alleged. This will not be about UFOs, but I borrowed this phrase because I think it kind of describes how I Read more…
Brain-computer interface allows fast typing by people with paralysis
In a Stanford-led research report, three participants with movement impairment controlled an onscreen cursor simply by imagining their own hand movements. Researchers pioneered the algorithms used to decode the complex volleys of electrical signals fired by nerve cells in the Read more…
Hádanka z akvária
V akváriu je 200 rýb a 99% z nich je červených. Koľko červených rýb je potrebné z akvária odobrať, aby ich tam bolo presne 98% z celkového počtu?
A Letter from England
A letter from our collegue, Deepak Ingole, from England … Hello Friends, I am Deepak Ingole, PhD student at Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, FCFT, STU in Bratislava. I have started my PhD in October 2014 under EU’s Read more…
Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence: We must merge
The futuristic statements of Elon Musk are receiving much attention by the media in last years. Maybe one of his boldest, abitious and controversial statement so far is the recent one: "Over time I think we will probably see a Read more…