V Praze je blaze

Svoju prvú zahraničnú cestu v rámci môjho doktorandského štúdia som absolvoval na Katedre řídicí techniky FEL na ČVUT, v Prahe. Okrem iného som mal možnosť vidieť na akých projektoch naši českí kolegovia pracujú a aké laboratória a procesy majú k Read more…


A PLC (programmable logic controller) is a electronic device used for industrial control systems. The basic units have a CPU (a computer processor) that is dedicated to run one program that monitors a series of different inputs and logically manipulates Read more…


Pasteurization is a heat-treatment process that destroys pathogenic microorganisms in certain foods and beverages, it is named after the French scientist, Louis Pasteur who in 1860’s demostrated the abnormal fermentation of wine and beer. He realized that the problem with Read more…